Baby Announcement – Matt & Anna Linda
Matt & Anna Linda
Baby Announcement
I am so ecstatic to finally be able to post these photos! Anna Linda is my soon to be sister in law and we have grown so much in the past four years together. We have become very close and I consider her as my sister which I am so blessed to have her in my life because she is AMAZING! lol When she first told me she might be pregnant I just couldn’t believe it, of course when she showed me the bag full of test’s I then realized… omg she’s PREGNANT!!! The day that Lando and I drove up to SA to spend a nice getaway weekend, she had just walked in from the doctor’s office and when I asked her, “so…” she nodded her head and I jumped with joy and gave her the biggest hug!!!! I was beyond excited not only will this be the first baby in the family, but this will be our first time as aunt and uncle. Word’s can’t explain how special I feel to know that I will be apart of this little babies life! I hope forever of course lol. Now… presenting soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Garza.