
3 easy ways to be happier

First I would love to note that all of these 3 easy ways to be happier wouldn’t have been possible without meeting Mrs. Abby Soto Montanaro. Her bright light, sweet smile, and strong will to being who she was warmed many hearts.

——– May she continue to rest in peace. ——–

Let us dive into 3 easy ways to be happier while living in 2023.

  1. Letting go of what people think and their opinions about you. If we listen to other’s the majority of our lives we would be leading by peoples opinions of who they think we should be. The only person you should ever listen to is yourself. The one inside you. Your soul will always guide you and it will never steer you wrong. Mrs. Abby Soto Montanaro once said to me, “she is going to do what she wants, because she has always known who she was.” I remember listening to her say those words and chills came over my body. I felt empowered to continue to stand in my truth for myself and no one else.
  2.  Laughing, smiling, and sharing your light. You truly never know who is watching you and may need your simple joy. We all have daily problems to solve. We all have private battles too conquer, but that shouldn’t stop you from being happy. You can always light up a room if you simply share a laugh and/or smile with someone. Sharing your light to the world is very important. Mrs. Abby Soto Montanaro was able to always walk into a room and share her laugh or her infectious smile. Somehow she always calmed my nerves while in my studio attending one her grand babies special photo shoot. Her light always seemed to feel like a little piece of home.
  3. Location matters! Wherever you decide to settle your growing family make sure it’s somewhere you feel at peace with. A location which allows you the space to empty your mind from time to time and helps your family become whole. Mrs. Abby Soto Montanaro loved the beach and made sure to make it her dream home. Listening to the waves, feeling the breeze, and walking along the shore line can bring peace to many. Actively enhancing all your senses is key in my eyes, it’s an open doorway to feeling fully free. Let us find our peace together.

If you enjoyed these 3 easy ways to be happier while living in 2023 I challenge you to comment below.

Which one out of the three you would like to work on this year?

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