10 Facts About Iliasis Muniz


Bienvenidos to a fun blog post about your local beach photographer Iliasis Muniz. 🙂

I would like to share 10 facts about me which you may or may not know about me already. If you are a business owner, I would love to see you share 10 facts about YOU! Clients, friends, and family should know more from the person behind your business and welp we all grow SO much SO fast so why not update them about who you are in this very present.

  1. I will be turning 30 this summer and have truly been feeling all the vibes / transitions in which it brings. Being able to let go of big and small moments which have happened to me the last 10 years has allowed me to get excited for my 30’s. They say life truly begins once you level up to this stage, so we will see how much more amazing life can get. Since my birthday is July 5th I am always blessed to get fireworks. 😉 Thanks Universe for making it a blast from the beginning.
  2. I have an older brother from my mommas side and I am the oldest of 6 from my fathers side. My father has 5 girls and one boy. My dad is ready for a grandchild, but I keep telling him that he’s the one that is taking all the baby fever away from me. lol, he is the reason why my heart is bigger than my head sometimes. Te amo papi!
  3. I am actually apart of an AMAZING photography group with Captured by Claudia! I hosted one of the reunions at my studio 2 years ago, where we had 14 photographers from all over the world come and stay on the island. It was the best experience of my entire career. We then had last years reunion in San Francisco with 21 girls and WOW. Let’s just say I learned a bunch about myself and about how others work. Being apart of this phenomenal girl gang of photographers has kept me not only on my toes, but has reminded me of exactly why I love my job. When we share our love with others we are able to create more from within our souls. #cbcgirlgang #cbcphotographyworkshop
  4. I truly am a Cancer sign, because being by the water soothes my heart, body, and mind. I use to fish A TON a few years ago and being able to be offshore on the water with no cell service and appreciate mother nature is like no other feeling. I will forever be an island girl deep down. 
  5. I use to do pageants believe it or not! I tried out for the Miss South Padre Island pageant back in my teens. It was a unique experience because I truly had no confidence in myself and in my body. I didn’t think I measured up to all those girls who seemed to have known themselves by the time they were 18. My biggest fear during it was being in front of so many people. Stage fright! I still to this day struggle with being comfy in large groups. I tend to close back up into my shell and get nervous. It’s apart of me though and I know when this happens I just need to take breaks to be by myself. I am telling you Cancer signs are up and down kind of people, but know we have BIG hearts and mean no harm. 🙂
  6. I am 100% Puerto Riquena! Boricua girl por vida you guys, no matter how much my accent changes, lol. I have been in the valley for 15 years this June and every time I visit home my family insist that I am more Mexican than Puerto Rican. Which I finally have accepted that the valley is apart of who I am. With that being said I LOVE puerto rican food, but I cannot cook it for the life of me. I can cook tostones and that is about it.
  7. I am divorced and I’m not ashamed of it. It was a NO to a toxic relationship and a big YES for me. It was the best thing EVER I could do for myself and I am so proud I was able to take this step two years ago. It really was not easy and I know that many people are stuck in toxic relationships. It changed the way I look at life. It also shaped me even more into the positive person I am right now. Life is short. There is no reason to live unhappy. And you know what? YOU can change it. Take action. It’s a YES to happiness and freedom. Life is beautiful and you deserve your soul to be truly happy.
  8. No to negative people, negative words, and negative thinking. I try my best to throw those thoughts out of the window. I have created with my closets friends a way of not beating ourselves up and that is by immediately calling each other when we begin to feel like we are falling. We pick one another back up with happy thoughts, positive words, and encouraging wisdom. Our experiences in life should take us to where we all belong, but you have to learn to accept them and let go.
  9. POSITIVITY! I love to think, create, and enjoy being positive. I try to set an intention every morning and reflect every night before bed. It’s a new thing I picked up during quarantine. Changing your mindset is hard sometimes, but it’s not impossible to do. I really enjoy writing in my journals because it allows me to fully appreciate where my head is at in that very moment. Moments don’t last forever they are always temporary. So remaining positive in everything I do in my daily routine will allow me to be the best version of myself. Plus, who can be mad when we live in a world full of possibilities! 🙂
  10. Lastly, I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY! I truly believe the universe put in me in everything that I have experienced just so I could become a photographer. Every photographer has their reason for taking and becoming a story teller, but my story was simply the universe told me so. My soul is truly it’s best self when I am capturing moments of pure love. I enjoy creating it, watching it, and overall sharing it. I hope you enjoyed learning more about my soul, with endless love, Iliasis Muniz!

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