Tips for first time mommas

Good morning and happy Thursday!

Let’s chat about first time momma tips with one of our spectacular clients, Stephanie Cardoza. Stephanie created memories with our Belly to Baby Bundle, Baby’s First Year, and our One Year family session. We interviewed Stephanie with a couple of questions on motherhood, funny memories, and her favorite baby stage.


1. What has motherhood taught you?

          Motherhood has taught me that your life can change dramatically in an instant.  The moment Jake was born I forgot how to live for myself.  Everything I do now is for his security, upbringing, and well-being.  Motherhood has also taught me how much my mother has sacrificed in raising me and my siblings.  It takes a lot of work and love to raise a child.  But If I can be half the mom she is, Jake will be one lucky guy!


2. Share a funny moment/memory you had during or before one of your sessions.

         I will never forget my husband helping me make my dress “fly” in the wind during my maternity session.  He had to literally throw it up in the air and quickly duck out away from the camera.  One of the pictures captured him catapulting out of the way.  That image is forever engraved in my mind.  His  humorous attitude has made Jake’s 1st year even more enjoyable.


3. What has been your favorite stage while watching Jake grow?

         Of course it has all been amazing, but if I had to choose a favorite it would be around 6 months.  He could already sit up but was still happy in my lap and would smile and laugh at any face I made at him.  He has the cutest smile which lights up a room! It’s also when he gave me my first “huggie” which is enough to melt anyone’s heart.  He also learned to scream for no reason and then laugh at himself.  I still smile when I think about it.


4. Best tips you’d give to new momma!

         Count every single second!  Take it all in, enjoy every moment!  Babies grow so insanely fast in their first year.  My husband usually complains that I take way too many pictures of Jake but then is pleasantly surprised when I show him the pictures later.  Soon all you will be left with are good memories (and the portraits)!  So snuggle that baby, love that baby, spoil that baby, and don’t compare yourself to other mothers. Trust your motherly instinct. I promise you, you’re the best momma out there! Oh and get used to stinky diapers! ♥

Belly To Baby Bundle


Baby’s First Year

( 3, 6, 9 months )


One Year Family


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One Comment

  1. Love this! Love this family! Love Jake! And Love Stephanie! This pandemic hasnt allowed me to visit and see Jake grow so it is fabulous to see all these pictures to see him grow. You are doing an amazing job Steph!

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