Letting Go | Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Paulo Coelho once wrote, “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”

Growing up in the valley from the age of 15 was fairly interesting, yet safe and comforting which I can understand why it’s hard for many to just pick up and leave. A little back story that not many may know, my mother moved here with her now ex-husband for work and to be near the border for his family. The last time I had lived with my mother was in Hampton, Virginia at the age of 12. They weren’t able to care for me at the time and they had me on the next flight to Puerto Rico to live with my grandmother. So when my mother told me she was ready to have me again, I didn’t hesitate once to leave Puerto Rico. My whole father’s side still remain on the island and I am grateful I still communicate with them often.

See prior to my life living in Puerto Rico, my mother had us on a journey all on its own. A time where I wasn’t fully conscious to even understand. Yet, I was alive and a part of it all. My mother is a gypsy that is the best way I can understand who she is and will forever be grateful for her spontaneous life choices. Without them we wouldn’t have experienced living and growing up in Hawaii and Italy. This was with her first husband who was in the Navy. I remember vaguely of my toes slipping out of my princess Anastasia sandals onto the cobble stones in the streets of Naples and a park where there were six benches facing one another with lush trees around us. My rottweiler max chasing these men who tried to abduct me from my nanny after getting off from the school bus one afternoon. Throwing a football in the parking lot garage with cousins that I had never seen before in Hawaii. My mom driving in circles in that same car garage in an old Cadillac jamming out to, “Killing me softly with his song” by Fugees. What an experience! Little did I know my mother had made some bad choices along the way, haven’t we all. Choices that would unfortunately have me feeling abandoned for quite sometime and an emotion that I am still working on for myself to this day.

Living in Puerto Rico with my grandmother, tia Tata, and my older brother Bryan showed me how a family should be loved. Through thick and thin we had each other’s back. However, I had experienced so much of life outside of Puerto Rico and knew that my calling was not going to be found there. Here I go at the age of 15 moving yet to another destination that I had no idea on what to expect. As I began to settle into the new community of Port Isabel, Texas I quickly realize nothing has changed except the place of living. My mother who was no stranger to abandonment ( same cycle ) came to me again with a new adventure. Moving to Mexico City. I had moved out of the house at the age of 17, because of the trauma I had yet to understand with my mother. She watched me graduate high school, sold her house, and I honestly don’t even remember if we had said our goodbye’s. With family living across the ocean, I quickly became aware of what survival mode meant. Survive until you can thrive.

Throughout my time in Texas I have learned how to understand emotion and how to heal it for myself. Which is where my passion for photography came about. I remember working at my first job, Isla y Rica on South Padre Island, Texas and feeling so relaxed taking photos of the girls in our newest inventory. Sharing them on the web and trying to move a product for its beauty. I felt free when I had a camera in my hand, so I scouted to borrow a camera and luckily my boyfriend at the time (who is now my ex-husband) had an aunt who lent me a canon rebel T3i. I quickly went to artist mode and shot everything and anything I could. In my 20’s I experienced working three jobs, which weirdly to this date has me baffled on how the universe was listening to my desires. Life college prepared me not only for my dream job, but for the lessons that I didn’t realize until now. I was a sales rep for a high end boutique, a teller for a local bank, and a bookkeeper for a restaurant. Sales, money, and bookkeeping. Can you say self – employed?

With a lot of sweat, tears, and dedication I was able to manifest and create a photography business through my struggles and passion for emotion. I never thought in a million years I would receive so much love the way the Rio Grande Valley has gifted my heart. Nine years of pure, real, and hard love. To my loving clients who have become life long friends, watching you become husband and wives, parents, even grandparents. Thank you! What a remarkable journey has it been to capture it all for your family. I appreciate you so much for allowing me to be apart of your joyous and hard moments of your lives. I am humbled to know you and be apart of you. It was what my heart and soul needed. I am me because of YOU. Now, where does one begin expressing nine years worth of gratitude.

” You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say.” Paulo Coelho. 

I am not very good at keeping surprises, because my love and excitement for something new is always shared with others in order to build momentum around it. So let’s take a deep deep breath together as I announce something I never thought I would do….

Iliasis Muniz Photography is MOVING!

After 16 unforgettable years of healing and living in the Rio Grande Valley, I have decided it’s time to take the leap of faith and move to Ft. Lauderdale, FL this upcoming December. Crazy right?! If you haven’t been watching my instagram stories I have visited my younger sister Taty several times these past two years. When I am in Florida I feel this unexplainable rush come over me every time. Being in the city and being near my family, even if just my sister, had me thinking seriously about my next life adventures. I’ve been experiencing highs and lows with my decision to move, but know that within those waves is where we find our deepest strength. So, for those who have visited my studio, who I have photographed, or even shared an experience with along this journey, I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for the endless support, love, and wisdom you have embarked onto my heart. The memories we share together are one of a kind to us and will never be erased from my memory or facebook, lol. Remember goodbyes aren’t for forever, which is why I made sure to buy my new casita so that it forces me to visit when the time is right.

” We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. A little parenthesis in eternity. ” – Paulo Coelho. 

Endless love always,


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  1. I love you! I am so happy that you were able to capture the most special moments for our family. I’m crying, but they’re happy tears. I am happy that you are finding love in every single thing that you do. You are currently filled with passion and you need to follow that. I guess we’ll have to fly to you now 😅 we love you Ili and know that you have a friend in me. ❤️

  2. Ily, can you say family road trip to Florida?!?! What!? Congratulations and best wishes. Change is never easy but at times it’s the best thing that can happen to one. You are definitely destined for great things and on behalf of my family and myself, we wish you nothing but the best! Should you ever, ever, ever need anything, please know that we are here for you.
    Way to be resilient!

  3. Best of luck to you Ily! Thank you so much for capturing moments I will hold dear and close to my heart forever. You have a magical presence; Florida will be gaining a treasure.

  4. We love you so much!!!!! Sending you many blessings on your journey. We treasure all of the moments you captured of your growing family ♥️♥️♥️♥️ You have a beautiful soul Iliasis ✨✨✨✨

  5. Congratulations Ily💥 Super proud of your decision to move forward on your new chapter in life. You are the author of your journey and I wish you the BEST CHULA🌹 Que Diosito te bendiga siermpre🙏 You are a warrior and will make it anywhere! ADELANTE CON ORGULLO 💝

  6. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
    I am filled with so many emotions. For selfish reasons I am so Sad because we’re losing an incredible person and so extremely happy you’re off to do what your heart desires. Thank you for being your amazing self, we will miss you so much. 💔
    Love you beautiful girl! Hopefully we can meet again. I am ugly crying over this. I remember the first time meeting you and you greeted me with so much love and happiness when I was total stranger. I wish you nothing but the BEST and I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck & keep shining! The worlds is yours.

  7. Ily this is amazing! Your words pulled at my heart strings & brought tears to my eyes but we are so very very happy for you! Enjoy your new journey! I know I can’t wait to see the incredible things that you are going to do in Florida! Much love Courtney, Ike & Mackie

  8. Since I first found you on social media back in 2015, I became in obsessed with the way you captured happiness, love, and just raw emotion on camera. It took me years to finally book a session. I told you this once, “I told my husband & mom for years, when we have our family, I’m going to book her”. Fast forward to our first baby and a year later from our first session and you haven’t disappointed, my heart hurts because we won’t be able to continue this journey and hate that it took too long to actually meet you and work with you. Thank you for making Michael and I so comfortable from the very first conversation over the phone, thank you for your attention to detail and energy you give us every time we’re in your studio. We will miss you dearly, but what keeps me from not being too sad is that I will get to see you for our Florida vacation trips and having you capture some amazing memories there. Our favorite vacation destination place, for me this feels like the universe giving us the opportunity to meet again soon! ❤️❤️ We love you and look forward to our coming up sessions to make more amazing memories 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Xoxo Michael, Noel, & Sonia Munoz 💌

  9. Giiiirl, I drove my family of six 6 hours just for a photo shoot with you, what’s 6 more hours am I right 😜?! I wish you the best of luck (which you don’t need, because you are brilliant) and pray for safe travels!! We WILL be seeing and working with you again 🤗 !

  10. Ily, hard to believe we won’t see you next time we’re in SPI for photos. You deserve only the very best, and we are so thrilled for YOU and your new adventure. Thank you for all the beautiful memories you captured for us for the past few years! We wish you nothing but the best! All our love, The Elliotts
    Andria, Paul, Ryann, Jax & Hudson

  11. Ily what a story, of resilience, courage, and dedication. I am happy for you, you have this energy about you. Your smile says it all and your positive outlook in life. I am confident that you will soar to great heights in Florida. No doubt your journey is to continue. Many people don’t have the opportunity to follow their dreams let alone accomplish what you have. I wish you nothing but the best and hope to accompany you in your journey even from afar.
    -Hugs & my best to you.

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