10 Ways to find more time in your business

  1. Prioritize your time and focus on the most important tasks. In my planner I have certain tasks highlighted or numbered from most important to non rushed. It allows me to keep myself in check with my tasks.
  2. Cut out distractions such as television, talking on the phone with friends, and focus on your work/self care. This one is simple and straight to the point. I have learned to set necessary boundaries with myself and my friends/family members. It really was challenging at first, but what helped was making sure I voiced these important things out loud.
  3. Use a calendar or task management tool to enhance managing your time effectively. We love to use Canva and its schedule planner to post our content during the weekend. We pre-set our social media marketing during certain times of the day and it allows us free space to interact more one on one with our clients.
  4. Set realistic deadlines and stick to them. My favorite deadline to give myself currently happens on Sundays. Every Sunday I like to have my meals prepped, vitamins packed, and social media content planner ready for the week. Saves time for those busy days.
  5. Take breaks to avoid burnout and increase productivity. Taking breaks is definitely key to longevity. Make sure you use those breaks wisely, either by getting a nice massage from Desiree Spa, walking your dog a couple of miles, or even catching up on cleaning your safe space.
  6. Outsource tasks that can be done by others, such as editing, social media management, or bookkeeping.
  7. Say no to low-value activities that do not contribute to your goals. THIS is everything for me. I want you to write down 5 things you think/feel are low-value activities that are in your current routine. I’ll go first, 1. having a cocktail to help reduce my stress every now and then. 2. Talking on the phone for too long. 3.
  8. Continuously evaluate your time management strategies and make adjustments as needed. Take a moment to reflect on the things that bring value to your time management and to those that simply do not.
  9. Create a sleep schedule that works for your schedule and body. Did you know women simply need more sleep than men? Find out the reasons why here
  10. Use templates for contracts, emails, and other repetitive tasks to save time. One of my favorite resources to use as a professional photographer is Pixieset. It gives me the opportunity to have contracts, create my online galleries and so much more. Hence it being all in one platform which saves me loads of time.

Now that you’ve have read my 10 ways to find more time in your business what did you think? Comment below if you found some of these tools to be helpful or if you plan to use any of them moving forward in your business.

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