7 Ways to Increase your Photography Client Base


7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photography business

Sell more to existing clients

Every year I offer a special off of my regular session price, but I offer my dates to my VIP clients first. Once they have been able to take advantage of the dates I then open it up to the public. Leaving me already almost fully booked for the special. Your existing clients love a good deal, so why not give it to them first. Keep reading to learn ways to increase your photography client base.

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

Keep up with excellent customer service

This statement is a no brainer. You want your business to thrive and what better way than to give the best customer service. Whether they become clients or not you always want to be kind, show patience, and be understanding. Professionalism can go a very long way. So every time you answer and email use the right set of tone. When answering a phone call be sure to answer with your business name. Keep reading to learn ways to increase your photography client base.

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

Promote your business on Google & Social Media Networks

Let me tell you something really quick. Social media is free to the public and is the first way to make your business known. If you have not jumped on the train this is your sign. The second best marketing tool is Google. Look into Google Ads as of yesterday. If you learn the system correctly for both of these major tools you will be getting calls, emails, and DM’s for the rest of the year. Keep scrolling to learn ways to increase your client base.

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

Maintain Fresh Content on your Website

When you are a photographer the most important thing is creating quality photos. Each session will be different and you want to showcase that to your clients on your website. My style has changed over the past few years, but one thing is certain I always keep my website up to date. If I change as a photographer, so will my website. Don’t forget to use keywords on your images PIN them to Pinterest to broadcast to a larger audience.

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

Encourage Customer Referrals

This is my favorite way to increase your photography client base. The majority of my clients are returning and the new ones are from referrals which my VIP clients have made. If you are just starting out then try making a referral incentive for your current customers. I have either given a small discount on a session or a free print as a thank you. Make sure to not make it a habit though as you want to encourage your clients not force them.

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

Network Offline + Online

Have a system in place for online networking. You want to avoid burning out, sending the wrong quote, or even missing a client by accident. Most of social media networks offers messaging systems to help with the constant DM’s. When trying to increase your photography client base offline be sure you are in the right room for it. Every interaction can lead you to a client, but is it the ideal client for you.

In example, I adore fashion photography and would love to capture boutiques. However, that is not where I would gain the most clientele. So instead I walk into a gynecologist office and offer to put up prints for free. In order to reach more of a family, maternity, and children type of clientele. See the difference?

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

Host a LIVE training or free challenge

Who doesn’t love a learning new things or competing in challenges? One thing is true though, if you engage with others in an area they are willing to listening on then you have their attention. Grabbing attention can be the easy part, but it’s what you do after it. My most recent IG Episodes go LIVE every Sunday at 9am. I talk about photography, do giveaways, and also about life in general. This is where I grab attention from my current clients and hope to gain new ones along the way. Try it out this upcoming week for your change to increase your photography client base. 

7 ways to increase your photography client base
tips for photographers

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