“Share the Love” Valentine’s Day Photo Contest!

“Share The Love” Photo Contest

So Valentine’s Day is closer than some of you may think. I mean it’s still far away, but still kind of close, right? And with the New Year, I wanted to do something fun. So behold, my first 2014 contest! Do you have someone in your life that you completely and utterly love and adore? Could this person possibly be your significant other, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, child, pet or dare I say, even yourself?! Would you be interested in getting some great quality -possibly free- photos of this loved one? Do you like winning things? If yes to the questions above, then this contest is for you!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I am hosting a “Share The Love” photo contest for the one you love with the chance to win a completely free photoshoot and other great prizes!



-Submit a photo of you and your loved one by email to ilymuniz@yahoo.com

-With photo, submit a small paragraph (3-5 sentences) of why you love this person (or pet) so much. Include the name of your loved one in the paragraph.

-Paragraphs submitted will be published as the caption for photo

-The contestant must be in the photo submitted.

-Contestants who submit themselves as a loved one have the opportunity of winning a stylized Valentine’s Day themed photoshoot OR a boudoir session for the one you love.

-The winner of this contest will be determined by how many votes/Likes they can achieve. {PLEASE no cheating}

-Photo’s will be posted onto an album on my Facebook page named “Share the Love” Valentine’s Day Photo Contest.

Contestants can enter a number of 4 times by

Liking us on Facebook

Sharing this Post on your Facebook page

Subscribing to my blog, via email {To the right of the screen —->}

Leaving a comment on this post {Down below}

Contest ends February 1st, 2014

Winner : Dwayne & Celina Phillip!!!!!!

congratulations and thank you everyone who participated in the “Share the love” Valentine’s Day photo contest!

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  1. spread the love… its what makes the world go round
    liked, shared, subscribed, and comment left 😀

  2. I love this! You make photography so fun. Photo has been submitte, good luck to everyone 🙂

  3. Love your contests, love love love your work!! Can’t wait for my next session win or lose! Lol!!

  4. Would truly love to be given the opportunity to win this & share my engagement with the love ♥ of my life:)

  5. Supper excited but when we do head back state side I would like photo session for me and my family when we get to the Vally in May . It will be my little ones first time in the United States . 🙂

  6. I would love to win this contest!!!! I have seen your work and I am amazed at the beauty you capture. It would be amazing to be able to do a photo shoot with you capturing the moments of beauty in the love my husband and I share together. Thank you for this opportunity.

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