Winners of my “Share the Love” Photo Contest- Celina & Dwayne
“Don’t let your struggle become your identity”.
I had the pleasure of meeting Celina and Dwayne this month. She entered the “Share the love” Photo contest I threw back in February and I was in tears immediately after reading her story! It was the sweetest story that I have ever heard. I was in shock that God would give such a gorgeous woman that kind of struggle. Immediately I noticed how sweet, caring, and strong this couple was while we were shooting. I am happy that I was able to give this photo shoot to such an amazing couple. Enjoy!
This is my husband, Dwayne Phillip. We were married in Nov of 2012, a few weeks after I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He has been my rock, my inspiration, my best friend (sometimes he has been my only friend), my knight in disguise. He has shown me a life that I am grateful for and a love that is everlasting. He has seen me at my worse and still believes I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He hasn’t given up on my battle with cancer and has made my battle his battle. He is truly amazing. I am so lucky to have him by my side to continue to fight with me and never let me give up.