Ten Year Anniversary | Iliasis Muniz Photography


It’s Iliasis Muniz Photography TEN year anniversary this month!

I  have so many words, feelings, and ideas which have been running thru my head this month. Honestly, this whole year has been challenging in all the best ways possible. Moving from South Texas to South Florida nine months ago I can’t help to wonder. Why is this two digit number not hitting me as hard as I expected? When I had my photography business in Texas, I imagined throwing a huge anniversary party for all of my clients to celebrate together with me. It would have been the party of the year! My idea was to announce one lucky winner a whole year worth of portraits for their family. As a special thank you for supporting IMP over the years. Ten years is a big deal to be in business. Especially one where you borrowed a used camera for months just to begin.

My feelings on my photography business having it’s ten year anniversary is…almost unexplainable. I am extremely grateful for everyone who has believed in me from the start. I believe who you get to call your family are those who support and stand by your side. Especially during the hardest of times. My clients have surely become my family and it is for them why I have continued to push forward in life. Capturing all of their memories, watching their families grow, and being apart of them has inspired me in many ways. All of the stable relationships we binned together, creating a studio space where I could call my home, and showing me how to feel the love is what inspired Iliasis Muniz Photography to even exist. Thank you for continuing to LOVE the way you do, because the little girl inside me truly needed you these past ten years.

While at my ten year anniversary I won’t be able to offer a whole year worth of free portraits. I will announce the winner of the giveaway from my VIP exclusive client group I threw a few months ago. You can join by clicking the link above. This one lucky VIP client will win a FREE Disney photo shoot in Orlando, Florida. Flights, hotel stay and Disney tickets not included. This free photo shoot is a BIG THANK YOU for sharing your love with me and the future of Iliasis Muniz Photography.

Are you guys ready to see who won?



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